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About us 

Ankara University Mammalian Research Collection "AUMAC" was a project supported by Ankara University "BAP-Nr; 14A0430001), and was founded by Prof. Dr. Nuri Yiğit and Prof. Dr. Ercüment Çolak in 2014. AUMAC comprises more than 7000 specimens including skins, skulls and tissues (stored in -80 0C) which were obtained from the field trips through all over Turkey since the last 25 years.

The curator of AUMAC, Prof. Dr. Nuri Yigit and Prof. Dr. Ercüment Çolak are the faculty members of Ankara University, Biology Department, and have been continuing their research on Turkish Mammals.

The mission of AUMAC is to provide contributions on Turkish Mammals, and to provide the comparative materials to all Mammologists.
